Don’t Settle for a Lemon. Stand Up for Your Rights!FAQ at CA Lemon Law Firm
Keeping Glendale & Surrounding Areas Informed
If you are in possession of a faulty vehicle, CA Lemon Law Firm may be able to provide the resolution to your problem. With thousands of clients served over the years, we understand how to hold sellers accountable under the Song-Beverly Warranty Act (California lemon law) and federal lemon law. If you have been sold a lemon, get compensation for your lost time and money. Call our California lemon law firm today. Dial (818) 960-1550 now or contact us online to get started. We serve clients in Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, Palmdale, Santa Clarita and the entire state.
Lemon Law
Does Your Vehicle Qualify?
Just because a car needs repairs does not mean it falls under the protection of lemon law.
The basic criteria for qualifying vehicles include:
- Being under the original manufacturer’s warranty
- Having taken your lemon in for repair a reasonable number of times
- Dealing with recurring issues
If My Car Qualifies Under the Lemon Law, What Am I Entitled To?If your car qualifies as a lemon, you are entitled to receive either a replacement or a refund. This will include reimbursement of your down payment, monthly payments, registration costs, taxes, incidental expenses such as rental car or tow costs, and attorney's fees. The manufacturer may deduct a usage fee based on the amount of miles on your vehicle up to the first time it was brought in for a repair related to the issue that qualified it as a lemon.
What Qualifies as a Reasonable Number of Repair Attempts?This amount is determined by the severity of the defect in question. One repair attempt could count as reasonable for something serious like brake failure, whereas the manufacturer would likely be allowed more attempts to address minor and non-safety threatening issues.
Can I Go to Any Auto Repair Shop With My Vehicle?No, all qualifying repair work and countable attempts must be carried out by an authorized dealer. Not only do independent repair shops fail to count towards your total visits, but receiving auto work from an unauthorized source could void the corresponding portion of your vehicle's warranty.
Does Each Visit to the Dealer Have to Address the Same Problem to Count?No, it is not necessary for there to be one recurring problem. If a vehicle requires constant repair, you may have a valid lemon law claim even if your issues range to include several different defects.
If I Take My Vehicle in for Repair but No Work Is Done, What Does That Mean?In this case, your visit would still count as a repair attempt as the dealer was given an opportunity to fix the problem.
What Is a Lemon Buyback Vehicle?
A “Lemon Buyback” is a vehicle that was reacquired by the manufacturer due to a specific warranty defect, on or after January 1st, 1996. Legally, when a manufacturer buys back a defective vehicle, they cannot resell it without informing the new potential buyer. While this fails to happen all too often, the rules manufacturers are required to obey are as follows:
- Mark the California Certificate of Title and registration certificate as a “lemon law buyback”
- Update the title to be listed under the manufacturer’s name
- Attach a decal to the vehicle which reads “lemon law buyback” in one of three locations depending on the vehicle type. For cars, the decal will be placed in the left door frame. For larger vehicles just as a motorhome, the decal will be placed in the frame of the major entry into the vehicle. Last, if the vehicle has no doors, such as a scooter or a motorcycle the decal will be placed on the left side of the vehicle
What Is the Lemon Law Presumption?In California, a vehicle is legally presumed to be a lemon if any of the following issues arise within the first 18,000 miles or 18 months of purchasing or leasing your vehicle:
4 or more repair attempts are required for the same issue
2 or more repair attempts are required to fix an issue that can cause injury or death
Your vehicle is out of service for repairs for more than 30 days
Does the Lemon Law Only Apply to Cars?No. Motorcycles, boats, motor homes, RVs, and other consumer vehicles also quality for protection under California's lemon laws as long as they were purchased for personal, family, or household use.
How Long Does the Lemon Law Process Take To Complete?The length of time required to complete your lemon law claim will vary depending on the facts and circumstances of your case. Some lemon law cases can be resolved in as little as 90 days while others may take longer. It is best to consult with an attorney to get a more accurate representation of the complexity of your case and the expected timeline.
Are Leased Vehicles Covered?Leased vehicles are covered by California's lemon laws as long as the vehicle was leased with a warranty.
Are Used Vehicles Covered?California's lemon law covers used vehicles as long as it is covered by the manufacturer's original warranty.
What if the Manufacturer Won’t Refund or Replace My Vehicle?If you have given the manufacturer enough time to either repair or replace your vehicle but they have failed to do so, your next step would be to file for arbitration. Arbitration is a process in which a third party is brought in to resolve a dispute between you and the manufacturer. Most manufacturers offer a California state-certified arbitration program which meets certain standards. Arbitration costs nothing for the consumer and can be conducted in person, via telephone, or in writing.